Antagonists In The Church Pdf Converter

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Haugk introduces fiveprogressive stages of conflict beginning with the common problems that everychurch must face. These problems willinevitably lead to disagreements and this should be expected as a healthy aspectof the church’s function. However,problems arise when the disagreement turns into a contest where the outcome isseen as a win or lose, rather than an opportunity to grow in finding acompromise and resolution to the problem.This can lead to the “fight/flight” level where the goal is to run offthe opponent or leave the congregation.This situation can become “intractable” making it almost impossible tohandle.

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Antagonists are made manifest inthe later stages, thus the earlier leaders address the conflict and thoseinvolved, the better. Due to the serious natureof this evil one must follow the biblical guidelines to properly address anantagonist before he/she is allowed to cripple the mission of the church. Haugk reminds the reader that a disciple isknown for his love for others, thus antagonists by nature are not acting astrue followers and should be treated as such.The sheep have been given the charge to address and expel the wolvesamong them. The real tragedy, accordingto the author, is when the flock is devoured because they are all too polite tocry, “wolf” when they see one. Other red flags includechurch hopping, lying, and aggression.An antagonist will often brag about past accomplishments or his financialcontributions in an attempt to gain credibility. They may take notes at odd times or carry aportfolio of evidence to support their accusations. Often antagonists do not play by the rulesand take pride in the fact that they walk “to the beat of anotherdrummer.” Most often that differentdrummer is not Christ and one must learn to discern such flags to avoidallowing wolves to lead the sheep to follow the wrong shepherd.


Within some congregations thereare wolves lying in waiting to pounce.To deal with such individuals, the author reminds the reader to actprofessionally, keep one’s distance, be accurate, avoid using flattery, andavoid allowing them any position of leadership or influence if at allpossible. Leaders should not allow anantagonist to provoke them to speak in anger and should always avoid votes ofconfidence. Such response onlyencourages an antagonist to believe he has more influence than he reallydoes. It would be better to brush offaccusations as annoyances and go about the work of ministry. Haugk goes on to discussmatters related to confidentiality and the issues related to addressingantagonism through public means. Therole of leaders and lay-people is also addressed, as the unity of thecongregation under Christ’s leadership is the strongest weapon against the attackof antagonism. However, sometimesoutside support structures must be called on to provide help and guidancethrough more difficult situations.

Antagonists in the church pdf converter download

Antagonists In The Church Pdf Converter Download

Thisis especially true in unfortunate cases where the minister is the source of theproblem. Haugk concludes in adiatribe of anticipated objections to his teachings. Feelings of inadequacy and lack of supportcan emasculate an otherwise strong leader.Knowing that the fight is worth the effort before the fight even beginsis invaluable. The “trolls” in our mindwill tell us it is too much work and that people will not support us, but theseobjections must be confronted with a firm resolve in much the same way we mustbe willing to stand against the antagonists who threaten the well being of ourchurches. Leighton Flowers is a teaching pastor in his local church, an adjunct Professor of Theology at Dallas Baptist University, and the Youth Evangelism Director for. Sap crystal reports 2011 sp2 keygen torrent 2016. In this position he directs a statewide youth leadership training camp called, impacting thousands of Christian teenagers with in depth Bible study and discipleship training.

Antagonists In The Church Pdf Converter Torrent

Leighton also directs the Youth Evangelism Conference, reaching anywhere between 3 to 5 thousand Texas teenagers with the gospel of Christ each year. In addition, he assists in the oversight of such ministries as and, impacting students not only in Texas but all around our world.Leighton and his wife Laura have four children (Colson, Cooper, Esther and Caden) and live in North Garland just outside of Dallas.