Cph Exam Quick Reference Review Pdf Filler

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  3. Larry Holmes Jr.
ReferenceCph Exam Quick Reference Review Pdf Filler

Don’t. Show any skepticism or negativity toward the candidate—the reference will go silent out of loyalty. Read anything into the person’s inflection. You don’t have enough context to judge a stranger’s tone of voice. Be stymied by HR policies that disallow reference checks. Seek out other sources of information such as professional associations, past employees, and LinkedIn to see if there’s anyone in your extended network who can enlarge your understanding of the candidateCase Study #1: Solicit feedback from team members to focus your questionsBrian McClusky, director of human resources at InkHouse, the PR firm based just outside of Boston, MA, views reference checking as the “final step” of the vetting process for new hires. “By the time we talk to references, we are fairly certain that we want to hire the candidate,” he says.Recently, he had to check references for a candidate—“Richard”—who had applied for a job on the HR team.

Before Brian made the calls, he asked everyone on the team who interviewed Richard for their feedback. “I wanted to know if there were any areas of concern,” he says. “Then I would know where to delve deeper in the reference calls.”The team thought Richard “was a good fit” and that he had strong “technical skills,” but there was one small sticking point. If Richard was hired, he was going to work remotely at least part of the time, and several team members wanted to learn more about Richard’s time management and organizational skills. “Nothing in Richard’s track record suggested that he wouldn’t be able to do it, but there was still a question because he had never done it before,” says Brian.Brian called two of Richard’s references, his former manager and a former colleague.

“Ideally, I always like to talk to people who’ve worked with the candidate in different capacities,” he says. “That way I get perspective on what it’s like to work side-by-side with the candidate and what it’s like to manage him.”He began by calling Richard’s prior boss. “I introduced myself and told her a little bit about the company and described the job that Richard had applied for,” he says. “I also indicated the part of the time he would be working offsite.”From there, Brian asked specific, open-ended questions that he thought would shed light on how Richard would perform in the new environment. For instance, he asked for examples of situations when Richard had to meet a tight deadline without direct supervision and times when he had to make independent decisions.Brian wrapped up both reference calls with his two standard questions: Where do you think the candidate could improve? And, would you hire/like to work with the candidate again?Both the former manager and peer “were enthusiastic” about Richard’s abilities, which Brian took as a good sign.


Cph Exam Quick Reference Review Pdf Filler Download

“It was clear that they valued him very highly.” Richard got the job and he starts at InkHouse next month.Case Study #2: Think about the role’s priorities and ask for specific examplesPat Donohue, the HR and operations consultant at XenoPsi, the New York City-based advertising agency, says that checking references allows him to both get a “first-hand understanding” of what makes the candidate tick and helps him “focus on the priorities of the position” for which he’s hiring.Recently, he checked references for “Jane,” who was interviewing to join his team in a senior role. His first call was to Jane’s former direct supervisor, the COO of her previous company.When he reached the COO on the phone, he said, “’We are in serious stages of having Jane join us, and I would like to get a professional reference for her. Find pdf files on this computer. I would appreciate a few minutes of your time.’ My goal was to have him relax and to speak to me as a colleague.”. Pat then described the specifics of what Jane would be doing at XenoPsi. “I said, ‘We are in the process of growing, and I need someone to help us codify best practices and create better internal controls so that we can take our company to the next level of maturity. Can you tell me a story of when Jane did something similar at your organization?’”Pat says that asking for an example resulted in “a rich story” of how Jane streamlined financial controls at her old organization.

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“I’ve learned that if you aren’t explicit, usually they just say what a great person she is or that she is a hard worker.”He also checked references with the president of a company who was one of Jane’s clients. Pat was especially interested to hear more about Jane’s soft skills. “I said that I needed someone who had proven experience and a natural inclination to build lateral networks. I said I was looking for someone who got personal satisfaction from making colleagues successful.”In turn, Pat heard a story about how Jane “took it upon herself to help other departments” for this client.

He also told Pat that Jane had formed strong relationships throughout the organization.Pat hired Jane and considers her a successful hire.

Larry Holmes Jr.

CPH Exam Quick Reference Review Larry Holmes. 2. Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Release Date:. 3. ISBN: 076376129X Author: Larry Holmes Download Here 4. Features detailed, annotated answers to the 18 sample exam questions released by the NBPHE!

CPH Exam Quick Reference Review is a comprehensive study guide that will thoroughly prepare you for the new Certification in Public Health exam offered for the first time in August, 2008. In seven chapters, you ll get a thorough review of the core and cross-cutting competencies as recommended by the Council on Education of Public Health (CEPH) and the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) as well as tips, test-taking skills, and 200 practice test multiple choice questions. A concise review of epidemiology, biostatistics, behavioral and social sciences, environmental sciences and health policy and management sciences is offered along with vignettes that illustrate the application of concepts. Each chapter offers additional multiple choice review questions with annotated answers. Numerous figures, tables, and references further enhance learning.

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