Hyperterminal For Windows Server 2008 R2 Free Download

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IntroductionMongoDB is a noSQL document database that streamlines the management of database collections. It stores the information you need to analyze data quickly. It is flexible and scalable, which makes it perfect for businesses of all sizes. MongoDB works with UNIX-like systems and macOS, and it didn’t leave Windows users out.

  1. Hyperterminal Download

Installing MongoDB Windows application is a straightforward task. You can even setup MongoDB Windows today. This step-by-step tutorial explains how to install and configure the database that makes your data effortless to handle and retrieve so that you can gain meaningful insights fast. Vim.bashprofileThe.bashprofile will look similar to this as it is being edited using VIM Editor in Hyper Terminal.

NOTE: The.bashprofile is a hidden file. You can tell by the period that is placed at the start of the file name. To see all of a directory’s hidden files in a terminal that’s UNIX-based, use the command prompt ls -A.Go to the C:Program Files and locate the MongoDBServer directory. You should see the recently installed MongoDB version identified by its version number.Right-click the folder to see the full path. Select “Copy” to copy it.Go to the.bashprofile again in the Hyper Terminal and right-click and select “Paste” or do a CTRL+P to paste the MongoDB installation’s entire path in an instance of the.bashprofile.Within the string path, you’ll notice some character spaces. To get out of those, simply use a backslash ( ) and a space. Alias mongod= ' /c /Program files /MongoDB /Server / 4.0 /bin /mongod.exe 'alias mongo= ' /c /Program Files /MongoDB /Server / 4.0 /bin /mongo.exe ' The finished process shows within the Hyper Terminal, the.bashprofile where the alias commands were pasted.Time to Restart the MongoDB ServiceYou’ve successfully created the alias path, now it’s time to restart the service.

Hyperterminal download

You checked the version earlier, but let’s make sure it’s installed correctly on your OS. Go ahead and type mongo -version to restart Git Bash and check that everything went as planned. Mongo -version MongoDB on Windows Git BASH Hyper Terminal shows the correct version installed on a local system.ConclusionIn this tutorial, you learned about installing MongoDB Windows. You used the Git BASH Hyper Terminal to put MongoDB successfully on your Windows server. During the process, you set up alias shortcuts and verified the correct version of MongoDB on your system. It’s important to configure things the right way, otherwise, it won’t work, not even a little bit. That will defeat the purpose.

Hyperterminal Download

In addition, if you try different ways to install MongoDB and you repeatedly experience error messages, you’ve lost productivity. It could equate to lost time and labor, essentially money in working hours. Instead of guessing at it, try the method outlined in this tutorial. Next, be prepared to take advantage of the indexing and querying capability of MongoDB.