How To Install Moonlight On Linux Mint 17

How To Install Moonlight On Linux Mint 17 4,7/5 3240 reviews

Brief: This guide shows you how to dual boot Linux Mint with Windows 10 and enjoy both Linux and Windows together in one system.So you have decided to. Good decision! And if you chose to use Linux Mint, that’s even a better decision.Linux Mint is one of the.

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Using Linux Mint is fairly easy and installing Linux Mint is no rocket science either. In this tutorial, we’ll see how to install Linux Mint along side Windows 10.Before that let me recap you a few things about installing Linux Mint. There are a few ways you can start using any Linux based operating system. Use Linux inside Windows in a virtual machine: This runs a Linux OS like any other application within Windows. This is also one of the safest ways to get a feel of Linux. However, this will utilize your system resources and if you have less than 4Gb of RAM, I won’t advise using it extensively.

Use a live version of Linux: In this method, you put Linux on a USB or DVD and you boot from it. This is usually slow and your changes done to the Linux system are (normally) not saved.

This is particularly useful if you just want to see what Linux feels like. Remove WIndows and Linux: If you have backed up your data and have a recovery or installation disk of Windows ready with you or if you are determined that you are not going back to Windows, you can remove Windows completely and use only Linux. Install Linux alongside Windows: This method is called dual booting Linux with Windows. Here, you install Linux on a system that already has Windows.

And when your system powers up, you can choose if you want to use Windows or Linux. This involves touching the disk partition and sometimes boot order. Absolute beginners often find it complicated but this is the best way to use Linux and Windows together in one system. And in this article, we’ll see how to dual boot Linux Mint with Windows 10.Dual Boot allows you to select between using Windows and Linux at boot time Will dual booting Linux with Windows slow down your system?I was asked this question several times in the. So, the short answer is no. Dual booting Linux and Windows won’t slow your system in any way.The only delay is in boot time that too because you get 10 seconds of buffer time to select between Linux and Windows. Once you have booted into either of Linux or Windows, it will work the same as if it is the only OS in the system.

No impact on the usability of your system. Dual boot won’t slow down your system. Install Linux Mint in dual boot with Windows:Before we proceed to see the procedure to dual boot Linux Mint with Windows, let me give you some optional yet recommended safety instructions:. Back up your data: You are going to touch disk partitions.

Normally, it’s not a big issue but just in case if you touched wrong partition etc, you may lose data. So my advice is to back up your important files, documents, music, movies etc to an external disk or cloud, whichever suits you. Have a boot repair disk: If your boot gets messed up, you can try to repair it with. If you have an extra USB or CD, you can use that to create boot repair disk. Have a live or recovery disk of Windows ready: If your boot gets messed up and despite all efforts, you ended with an unbootable system, you can use the Windows disk to reinstall Windows.I am not discouraging you.

I am asking you to be prepared for the worst case scenario.Remember that this article applies to computers that have Windows 10 already installed on the system. You are installing Linux Mint on an already installed Windows system, not the other way round.I have created a detailed video tutorial on installing Linux Mint alongside Windows 10.

How To Install Linux Mint 19.1

You can refer to it if you want to see all the steps in even more details. I also advise you to for more Linux tutorials. Follow the steps below to install Linux Mint in dual boot with Windows: Step 1: Create a live USB or diskGo to Linux Mint website and download ISO file. This ISO file is the disk image that you can burn to a USB or DVD.Once you have downloaded the Linux Mint ISO, you need a tool to write the image to a disk. I recommend using a free tool called Universal USB Installer in Windows:It’s an executable exe file.

Just double click on it to run the software and browse it to the ISO. Make sure that you have your USB key plugged in:If you need more hints, here is a screenshot tutorial on.

Step 2: Make a new partition for Linux MintThis is where you have to be cautious. If you have multiple partitions (not the recovery ones), you can either use one of them or create a new partition from an existing partition. Your existing data will be safe if you have enough free space. Typically, you install Linux in under 10 Gb, however, if disk space if not a concern, I advise using 30-40Gb at least.


This way you can have more space at your disposal for downloading and keeping various files.In Windows 10, go to start menu and type ‘partition’. This will bring up Disk Management utility. Now carefully select the disk in which you’ll make some free space by shrinking the volume:In my case, I only had the C Drive with 223Gb of space on it.

So I shrunk it to make 110Gb of free partition on it. I recommend watch the video to see the exact steps you need more hint.

Osthi remix mp3 songs free download. Step 3: Boot in to live USBPlug the live USB or disk into the computer and restart the computer. While booting the computer press F10 or F12 function key (defers from computer to computer) to go to the boot menu. Now, choose the option to boot from USB or Removable Media.Important Note: If your computer came with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 and you upgraded your system to Windows 10, you may have to. Most modern system with Windows 10 should not need this step, especially with Linux Mint or Ubuntu. Step 4: Start the installationIt takes some time to boot from the live USB or disk. Have some patience. Once it boots in to live disk, you鈥檒l be provided to Try Linux Mint or Install Linux Mint.

Even if you choose to try it, you can find the install option on the desktop:In next few screens, you鈥檒l be asked to choose the language of the operating system. It will then do some checks on available space, battery and Internet connection.Step 5: Prepare the partitionThis is the most important part of the whole installation. Where to install Linux Mint? As mentioned before, I prefer separate partitions for Windows and Linux. Windows is already installed here, we’ll prepare a new partition for Linux Mint. In the Installation Type window, choose Something Else:Step 6: Create root, swap and homeSince you already created a new partition in Windows, it’s time to install Linux Mint on it.

Now, there are several ways to do it. But here, I’ll show you my favorite way and that is to have a Root, a and a Home.Create a root partition first. Choose the free space available and click on +.Here, choose the size of the root (10 GB is enough but I chose to have 20 here), choose ext4 file system, and mount point as / (i.e. Root):Now, next is to create the swap partition. Now the question is what should be the swap size for Linux Mint installation?The answer depends upon your RAM size, your needs, available disk space and whether you would use hibernation or not. You can use the below suggestion:.

RAM less than 2 GB: Swap should be double the size of RAM. RAM between 2 to 4 GB: Swap should be RAM size + 2 GB. RAM between 6 GB to 8 GB: Swap should be size of RAM. RAM more than 8 GB: Swap should be half the size of RAM or lessDon’t spend too much time thinking about swap.

It is helpful for systems with less memory. For system with more than 8 GB of RAM and SSD, the less the swap, the better it is.The next step is to create Home. Try to allocate the maximum size to Home because this is where you鈥檒l be downloading and keeping the files.Once you have created Root, Swap and Home partitions, click on Install Now button.Step 7: Follow the trivial instructionsTechnically, you have crossed the main hurdle if you reached this point successfully. Now you will be taken through a number of screens to select options like keyboard layout, login credentials etc. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out what to do here afterward.

I have attached screenshots for reference purpose here.Once the installation is over, you will be presented with the option to keep trying live version or to restart the system.And that would be it. On next boot, you will see the option of Linux Mint on the grub screen. And thus you can enjoy the beautiful and beginner-friendly Linux distribution. I hope you found this guide to Linux Mint dual boot with Windows helpful.Here are a few common troubleshoot you might have to do after dual booting Linux Mint:.I strongly advise you to read so that you can have a good start.If you want to remove, you can follow this guide to.If you have questions, suggestions or a word of thanks, feel free to drop a comment. Stay tuned for more.

Last month, the Linux Mint development team released stable version of Linux Mint 18. Many users of this modern, highly-polished and comfortable Ubuntu-based Linux distributions where eager to try out some of the new features and improvements that it came a long with.This either required users to upgrade from their older versions or to do a fresh installation of Linux Mint 18, but, by that time, a direct upgrade from Linux Mint 17.3 or 17.X versions was not recommended. This was because, the Linux Mint 17 and 17.x versions are based on Ubuntu 14.04 yet Linux Mint 18 is based on Ubuntu 16.04. Upgrade Linux Mint 17 to Linux-Mint 18For those users, who want to do a fresh installation, they can follow:Upgrading from a completely different Ubuntu-base to another would require some special or advanced instruction set, which the developers promised to release this month and they have done just that.Therefore in this how-to guide, we shall walk through the recommended steps you will have to follow to upgrade from Linux Mint 17.3 to Linux Mint 18, that is if you wish to upgrade. Some Considerations before Upgrading.

Is it necessary for you to upgrade? Because Linux Mint 17, 17.X versions will be supported until 2019.

Have you tried out Linux Mint 18 before planning this upgrade?. Have you performed a backup of important data on your machine? If not, then you need to do that before moving forward.Requirements. Good understanding of and vast experience in working from the command-line.

How To Install Moonlight On Linux Mint 17 2

Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon or MATE editions only, other desktops such as Linux Mint 18 Xcfe and Linux Mint 18 KDE cannot be upgraded as of now. Up-to-date systemHow do I Upgrade to Linux Mint 18 from Linux Mint 17Let us now move into the actual steps to upgrade your system to the latest version of Linux Mint.1. Your system must be running an up-to-date Linux Mint 17.3 for the upgrade to work perfectly.

Therefore, open the Update Manager and perform level 1, 2 and 3 updates by clicking on the Refresh to refresh the APT tool cache. Initializing machine ID from D-Bus machine ID.Adding the “systemd-journal” group (GID 127) Finished.An immediate password change is required (forced by root)chfn: PAM: The authentication token is no longer valid; new is requiredadduser: “/ usr / bin / chfn -f systemd Time Synchronization systemd-timesync” returned the error code 1. Completing.dpkg: systemd package processing error (–configure):the subprocess installed post-installation script returned the error code 1Errors occurred while processing:systemdE: Sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (1)————————————————!! ERROR: Failed to upgrade some of the packages. Please review the error message, use APT to fix the situation and try again.!! Exiting.———————————————— $ sudo apt install -fapt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ symbol ZNKSt7cxx1112basicstringIcSt11chartraitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4, version GLIBCXX3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc.

So.6 with link time referencetiger @ asusik $ mintupgrade upgradeTraceback (most recent call last):File “/ usr / bin / mintupgrade”, line 3, inimport sys, os, aptFile “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/”, line 23, inaptpkg importImportError: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ symbol ZNKSt7cxx1112basicstringIcSt11chartraitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4, version GLIBCXX3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc. So.6 with link time referenceSo, instead of beauty and simple guide, upgrade process fail.Bad.