Kingdom Map Minecraft

Kingdom Map Minecraft 5,0/5 1422 reviews
  1. Kingdom Roleplay Minecraft Bedrock Map

Kingdom Roleplay Minecraft Bedrock Map

There are version with custom npcs out too. ( It seems to be working even if you have no custom npc mod, just custom npcs do not shw up, so it is recommended to use that map, so as it have some more buildings in stuff in it. )Never version:hIt is still not finished and is creative map I was making for some time already. Soon I will make lets-play video where I will show what I have here, at least big part of that.It contains 4 naturally spawned villages with some additional lightening, buildings and defenses.3 of them are desert villages and are not built up much, next casual village (main screenshot) is built up pretty much and is connected with castle what have some additional buildings. Castle and near castle buildings was populated by me and there are pretty much of villagers too. Below castle and village are tunnel, mine and dungeon systems - natural ones and some created or expanded by me.There one more unnaturally made place what contains villagers, it is fort near castle it was meant to be some king of religious sect, so there may be some confusing signs.

Minecraft medieval village map

They are mostly made by me, but some are inspirated from other sources), if I remember right it is only one with automatic 2x3 block gate (experimented with sticky pistons), this place is almost done expanding and is closed structure. So it will not change much. Hello, this is the first map I have uploaded. I hope it gets noticed and liked by a lot of people because I am continuously working on it.


There is a lot of stuff here including 4 lands (Old, New, Ancient, and Lost lands), 6 city's (Moonlight, Graytusk, Oasis, Emerald Islands, Lapidmontem, and Azuris), 3 Towns (Freezover, Callinsville, and Riverhold), 7 guilds (Hunters, Silverstones, Assassins, Dragon hunters, Adventurers, Wizards, and Barbarians), 10 major landmarks (Statue of Nivarris, Mega Prison, Mt. Callinus, Eye of the Gods, Continental Bridge, Volenthem Tower, Nivarris's Fort, Temple of Zru, Wizard Sanctuary, and Altar to Akkin) and countless ruins! Special shout out to my buddies in the Spiritcraft team including Skullkin9999, MinionGiblet, Slightly Stealthy, and Taylor42 who helped a lot. Hope you enjoy! The family World updated for the 5th time, 12 months old.Complete with 3 Castles, a sky town, Santa's Village, Minecart Tracks, a Dungeon with Escape Routes, Waterfalls, 3 new Reservoirs, underwater secret caves, a Lighthouse. Canals, Bridges, Farm fields, Revisited buildings, a giant Z girl, and building sites for a future castle.

Oh, and Frank, the sheep in the high tower. Check out Maccodibies on Youtube for Videos of the map. And a now complete golden gate bride, drop me a line for suggestions.