Telstra Join Me Software T54 Prototype

Telstra Join Me Software T54 Prototype 4,4/5 2299 reviews

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Use. No direct links to replays or straw-polls (i.e. I've been playing this game for a few weeks now, I'm enjoying it enough I am willing to spend some money on it.The Tank I am enjoying the most at the moment is my Cromwell, I'm still not great in it and sometimes rush off too early and get myself killed because it is so fast. It is however a great feeling when I get things right in it and nip in round the flanks mid game and nail a bunch of tanks one after the other. Its nice that unlike some of the other tanks I have played I don't feel useless when not top tier.My skills obviously aren't that great yet (I just installed some mods and I am firmly in the Red WN8 wise) but I feel like I am doing better every time I play.Now I might be off about this but out of the Premiums currently available the Bulldog seems like it would play the most like the Cromwell and I understand it will only be available for a limited time.Should I pick it up now? Or wait for something else to come out in the future?. I'm going to say no, do not buy it.


(No offense) but you are not skilled enough to buy a tier 8 premium tank, let alone a premium tier 8 light. At the very least you should become familiar with scouting before you purchase the tank.

I am almost positive it will be on sale next year during the next Grand Finales.A tank more similar to the cromwell would be the type 64 tier 6 premium light tank. Familiarize yourself with the tier and vehicle type before you purchase a premium! You will most likely be a hindrance to your team otherwise.Sorry for the bluntness but it takes a while to understand the game and jumping straight up to tier 8 lights is a horrible idea for your sake, and your teams. If you really want the M41 90 GF, go up the German light line. The RU 251 has a very similar play style but is much better IMO.Also keeping in mind that you are a new player, try out the soviet heavy tanks and get a firmer grasp on the mechanics of the game. That is a very common starting point.

Or just play what you would like as it is a game, and the goal is to have fun!Other general tips are to watch people like QuickyBaby, Zeven, or Jingles play (the former 2 being very helpful to watch). I think that might be a good idea to go up the German light line.Actually I do have a Soviet KV1 I unlocked a couple days ago but the slow speed irritates me quite a bit.So far I have unlocked the belowTier 7 British Medium (Comet) - I mostly just play the CromwellTier 5 British Tank Destroyer (Archer) - I can't stand this thing even when things go wellTier 5 Soviet Heavy (KV-1) - As per the above I find being this slow incredibly frustrating, its nice to be able to block shots and take a few hits and keep on trucking though. I expect getting all the modules unlocked will help.I also unlocked The Czech and Chinese lines up to Tier 4, I don't think much of either of them to be honest.I actually watched QuickyBaby's review of the M41 90 before posting this thread!

And I enjoy Might Jingles narration style in his Tank Reviews. I agree with what was said by FLU773RSHY.

I just reach the tier 8, but with a HT. I do not play well with LTs. I used the M41 90 in the rental period, because I wanted to take the commander with Bia (to retrain him to my Luchs with Sixth Sense). It is extremely difficult to play in T8 = T10 with a LT. You face great players and the best tanks in the game. On the other hand, it is a tank that will not be available all the time. I bought it, but I left it parked in my garage.

Telstra Join Me Software T54 Prototype 1

I do not play with it. For now I play and learn with my LTs in tiers 3 and 4. When I feel ready, I'll play with my Black Dog. It's a great tank. If you really want it, buy it, but don't play it yet.Like mentioned before:Learn to play lights first, preferably with the German line so you can use that crew in the M41 90 when it has some skills (at least 6th sense and camo)I am in the same boat as you.

Telstra Join Me Software T54 Prototype Download


My Cromwell and Cromwell B are by far my favorite tanks and also usefull with SH. I like playing mediums and just started playing lights (German and Russian-line) I have a few T8's and am working towards my first T9.I prefer lights over heavies. It is tempting to play my M41 90, as a matter of fact I did a match or 3 in it. But I really s.cked in it and it cripples my team.So now I want to learn how to play lights on low tiers before I jump in the M41 90.By the way, if you want to buy a premium tank which is more forgiven and a bit similar like the cromwell, the russian T54 First Prototype is a great choice. But it also needs a crew with at least 6th sense. The Russian medium line is a good one for starting players.I know.

Telstra Join Me Software T54 Prototype Free

Lots of other info besides answering your question, but I hope it's usefull.