Do I Have To Activate Vanilla Gift Card

Do I Have To Activate Vanilla Gift Card 5,0/5 4518 reviews
  1. Where To Buy Vanilla Gift Card
  2. Vanilla Gift Card

When you buy these cards and activate them at the register, you can’t immediately use them online. You have to wait at least 24 hours before you can register them online, which must be done before you can use them for online purchases with any other site. Even if the website sees the purchased amount for the activated gift card on the website, you still cannot register it and use it online at that time.For the first full day, any attempt to register it by entering in my zip code and trying to proceed was denied. This wasn’t the only problem with the website.

I received a warning that the Vanilla Visa website has a broken HTTPS, as well as problems with its SHA-1 Certificate. The TLS connection was secure according to my browser. This is another reason why I called customer service as soon as I was able to find a phone number for their customer service department – and the difficulty of getting a good phone number to reach Vanilla Visa support (only shown after multiple failed attempts to associate a zip code with it) is a strike against this Visa gift card.I was never able to register my gift cards online through Vanilla’s website and had to call the Vanilla Visa phone number at 1-800-571-1376 to get a zip code associated with it.

Do i have to activate vanilla gift card address

And after I had my zip code associated with it per my conversation with customer service – it still didn’t work that day or the next. The card’s instructions say vendors may put a 24 hour hold on money, but there is no such warning in the instructions or the vendor website stating there is a card registration itself. In fact, the website’s “important things to know” says you can use the Vanilla Visa card immediately after purchase.

Not true online, though I don’t know if this is true in an in person transaction, though given the poor customer service and general reputation, I doubt it.If the Vanilla Visa gift card is used fraudulently, Vanilla Visa has a bad reputation for not helping people even after you provide a lot of information. There are also reports that they demand copies of driver’s license pictures and other information that puts the victim at risk for identity theft. And you don’t want to put this information into their site since it is insecure.The card states in 2016 only to be used in the United States, but they previously sold them internationally without this warning. The cards could no longer be used internationally after mid-2012. This information is clearly stated on their customer service recordings and in small text on the gift card packaging.After buying two separate Vanilla Visa gift cards at the same time from the same store and a dozen attempts, I was never able to get a zip code associated with them to actually use them online as was my intent when they were purchased.

I never tried to use these gift cards as debit cards with a vendor. The American Express gift card I purchased after giving up on the Vanilla Visa had the same 5.95 fee to activate as the Vanilla Visa gift card for a $25 balance.It takes 30 minutes to activate after purchase.

As soon as it activates, you can use it for purchases including online purchases. I was able to use the American Express gift card I bought the same day I bought it, whereas after three days of trying to use Vanilla Visa cards, I gave up and bought the American Express.You can use any zip code, including your home zip code, for the purchase without calling a phone number or giving away personal information. Do not do this. If you buy the card and take a picture of the front and back, they will get the card number and security code. They'll be able to drain money tied to the card. And they may not transfer money to the card.If someone wants to send you money, they can do this through a wire transfer, Paypal, or check.Prepaid cards come with fees and a risk the funds will expire.

Just have them send you the money some other way that reaches your account. The fees are equal or less in these other methods, and you won't be ripped off.

This is a common problem, as you can tell from the other comments on this article. The Vanilla Visa gift card provider doesn't care about fraud. They don't help you. I hadn't heard of them asking for ID before, though that would make sense if they were checking whether you're the person who used it previously.A different question is - who did you give your identification information to? And what information did they require? Just a driver's license is reasonable. If they asked for an SSN or a lot of other identifying information, then you're at risk of identity theft.

To Commonssense the article was written a year ago and Vanilla Visa has done some updates. I personally had a horrible experience with them and I am letting everyone who will listen know about them and you can read 600+ other people terrible experiences at My son bought me a $100 gift card on 12/24 for Christmas and on 12/25 the card was hacked and the money drained. The funds were transferred to a fake company called in San Jose, CA. Vanilla Visa Fraud Dept is horrible and their MO is to deny claims.

I have been reading that most gift card companies don't have botnet defense to keep this kind of stuff from happening. So the best thing is to go old school and give cash. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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Do I Have To Activate Vanilla Gift Card

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Where To Buy Vanilla Gift Card

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Vanilla Gift Card

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