Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Multi5 Meaning

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Contents HistoryScott J. Mitchell was born on August 13, 1976 and raised in the Mitchell Residence Fifth Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. His father William David was a factory worker, who took pride in the fact that he worked his way up to foreman at the over in. His mother, who emigrated from at age ten, was an assistant pharmacist who had been born in the. She passed away when Scott was only fourteen.Scott is the oldest of four children, with two brothers, Nicholas (second oldest) and Tommy (third oldest), and a sister, Jennifer (youngest).With both parents working, Scott grew up independent and self-reliant.

After his mother's death he also took on the responsibility of helping to raise his younger siblings, instilling in him a strong sense of leadership. He was an above-average student, and worked part-time as a shop assistant for a car mechanic.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Multi5 Meaning In English

After graduating from high school Scott found that he could not afford to go to college. He chose to go into the service instead. Initially, he planned to serve and then go to school using his G.I Bill benefits, but he found that the army lifestyle suited him, and he became a professional soldier.Scott Mitchell completed basic training at. Performed initial service at various stations, including peacekeeping tours in Bosnia and Kosovo. Completed Airborne and Ranger training at Fort Benning. Assigned as team leader for an OPFOR recon unit at Fort Irwin. Completed the Special Forces Selection Course and later the Qualification course at Fort Bragg.

Sent for first Special Forces assignment in the Philippines in 2002, and was recruited by the Ghosts shortly afterwards just in time for deployment to Georgia.On his ODA assignment in the Philippines with his, he cross-trained with the natives and a Taiwan force led by Captain Fang Zhi. At Basilan Island, all but three of his team was wiped out by an Abu Sayyaf ambush. He confronted Zhi, who stabbed him with his ancestral sword, leaving a strange scar on his abdomen which persisted years later. After got back home, he was awarded a in his medal ceremony where the Ghosts were present there.Served in Eritrea and Cuba, where he earned the Silver Star (might be another one). He earned his B.A.

In history during his time at.He also earned the for his time in Bosnia and Kosovo.Mitchell in 2005.1st Lt. Mitchell returned to the U.S. In 2005, and was recruited by the Ghosts just in time for deployment to Georgia. He went on to serve in Eritrea and Cuba, where he earned the Silver Star and was promoted to Captain. At this time, he also took a Team Leader position within the Ghosts. Recently, Mitchell was slated for promotion to Major, but delayed his promotion in order to stay with the Ghosts for their deployment to Asia.

Korean Conflict (2007)Mitchell around 2007.On July 4, 2007, a North Korean Super-Silkworm Missile hit and sank the. In response, the sends in the Ghosts to push North Korea back. Scott Mitchell leads the Ghosts on the missions assigned to them, and siding with the South Koreans in order to push back North Korea from escalating the war even further.

When tries to blow up a dam to escalate the war, the Ghosts stop him and his plans temporarily.As revealed in, the missile was launched by a PMC Displace International when working with Japan's Information Self-Defense Force to start the conflict. Which the US troops with the Ghosts pull out of North Korea as if the war seems to be over. However two months later, General Paik re-activates North Korea's nuclear stockpile and the Ghosts are sent back in to take him out.

The Ghosts fight through a complex that was made as a remote command post for the North Korean President. When Scott and the Ghosts finally reach General Paik, Paik commits suicide, and the Ghosts are forced to blow up a Taipodong Missile.During the conflict, he first used the since his first Lone Wolf mission. Korean Conflict (2011)Mitchell around 2011.In the year 2011, and amidst a time of disastrous famine and political turmoil, the people of North Korea are facing a time of great change.

The government has invested too much into its military buildup and it has become impossible to preserve both the military and North Korea's infrastructure, so in an attempt to curb the effects of the famine, the government cuts off military funding, instead dedicating it towards the internal needs of the population. Infuriated, the North Korean military mobilizes against the government, with the brutal and charismatic General heading the coup.General Jung initiates a rebellion against the government, who find themselves at his mercy as he assumes control of the entire country. With total control over the military, Jung gains access to the country's nuclear arsenal, and makes preparations to start a war among the surrounding Asian powers. This prompts and the United States to send a large peacekeeping force in order to shut down Jung's operations before he destabilizes the Korean Peninsula. At the tip of the U.S. Spear, Captain Mitchell and the Ghosts are once again sent into North Korea to avert disaster.Throughout the conflict, Mitchell's team is ordered to disrupt and destroy General Jung's fuel supply and armor support. Mitchell personally leads the team on their first strike on an airfield, crippling Jung's air power in the area.

In another mission, his team would be sent in to blow a bridge, denying Jung from quickly moving his tanks and personnel through the area, and saving SAS troopers pinned down in a nearby pagoda. Along with his Ghosts, Mitchell would also work alongside British Special Forces soldier, German gunner, and French marksman. With each strike, Jung gets more desperate in winning the war, and in one mission, Mitchell leads a raid to seize three nuclear warheads from a train before they reach civilian-populated areas.At the same time, Mitchell first field tested the with the XM29 during his Lone Wolf missions. China mission (2012)On April 2012, Scott went by the name Jawaad as a local guerrilla chief, or G-chief dressed in black civilian clothes with a black shemagh on his head, clutched the paintball gun replica of a Beretta rifle teaching Operational Detachment Alpha 927, a twelve-man team of American Special Forces soldiers who had armed and been training them for the past two weeks in. He was pulled from the training operation to lead a team against the, a group of rogue Chinese officials planning on annexing Taiwan. In, Mitchell armed with a led them into Hakka Castle to eliminate the officials. Although he was wounded while killing Captain Zhi, the team completed the mission.

They later held a reunion at the. (2019)43 years old Scott Mitchell during.At some point in 2019, had been converted into a narco state by Santa Blanca. The Ghosts were sent in after the US embassy in La Paz was bombed and DEA agent murdered allegedly by the cartel, with CIA sending the Ghosts to take down the organization as part of a joint-operation called Operation: Kingslayer, led by.During Operation Kingslayer, Mitchell (Call sign: Griffin) was sent to oversee the operation of gathering intelligence on the cartel and Unidad activities, as Washington had suspected them working with. Alongside into to 's M.O.B. Condor base in this operation. Kozak found out that Unidad had been shipping uranium found beneath Bolivia's mines to the Russians.

(2023/2025)It is currently unknown about his position but he was most probably contacted by JSOC when the President ordered the Ghosts to be sent to. The CIA launched Operation Greenstone and asked Mitchell to direct the Operation. Mitchell sent in 32 men & women of the 4 Ghost teams headed. He lost contact with the four teams when a drone swarm took out all choppers carrying them. The aftermath of the operation presumably demotes Mitchell to the rank of Major. Later, on he requested the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President for the Ghosts to be reintroduced as the Group for Specialised Tactics.

Raven's Rock coup (2024) ' One international incident, coming your way.' — Mitchell to Hunter Team after ordering air support in RussiaMitchell briefing AFO Hunter around 2024.Mitchell ordered led by to disrupt a weapons shipment in in early 2024. A nuclear warhead explodes, killing the team, and Mitchell calls for a pickup. Mitchell then tasked, led by, with 'tugging at the strings' to find out who was responsible. Hunter Team later became involved in the coup instigated by the. Under Mitchell's orders, they assisted the Russian loyalists and rescued President. As the crisis ended, Mitchell told them to finish the mission.

Hunter Team chased down the Raven's Rock leadership in Russia, but as they closed in on the last one, Mitchell told them that orders had come from the highest levels to not to touch. Ferguson took his orders literally and left 'Ace' on a train track as a train approached.Some time later, Mitchell was also briefing a team who was rescuing a CIA in Colombia. He kept in contact with Ghost Lead via his laptop. When the team discovered a link to Middle Eastern terrorists and the FARC, Mitchell worked behind the scenes to get support for the Ghost team.Eight weeks later, Mitchell stopped by the Liberator bar to greet Ross' team, who were having a reunion. He asked them if they were in for more business, and they wholeheartedly agreed. He said he would see them soon and left.

Alternate Future (World War III) ' The Space Center's defense force will do their best, but without our help, they won't stand a chance. Whoever these vermin are, we can bet they came here to destroy the Freedom IV lifter.

Azure case studies microsoft. I don't think either one of us want 35 billion dollars deducted from our paychecks, Colonel, so wipe them out before they touch it.' — Mitchell to Colonel TaylorScott Mitchell in Tom Clancy's EndWar.In an alternate version of the year 2020, Mitchell is promoted to the rank of General in the. Mitchell is responsible for combat operations. He was in charge of security at the JFK Space Center on April 4, 2020 for the launch of the Freedom IV lifter. He briefed Colonel Jordan Taylor and told him to repel the assault.

As the prelude to war started, Mitchell was in charge of domestic defense efforts. Later, after the three-way war commenced, the General again briefed Colonel Taylor and had him choose one of the combat operations for his battalion.

Throughout the war, Mitchell continued to brief JSF battalion colonels on their missions.Mitchell sent Captain and his Ghost Recon team to hunt, also known as the 'Snow Maiden'. He failed, but brokered a deal with Mitchell, giving up his contact in exchange for the chance to go back out. His team took heavy casualties and in the end, she escaped.Soon after, Mitchell reported to the that Major had gone missing. Mitchell also was responsible for creating the attack on Fort Levski Spetsnaz base in Bulgaria and was in contact with the team leader, Captain Alexandrov, in the process. He allowed the captain to download information from the base as long as it was turned over. He later contacted him again when it was time to rescue Doctor Ragland from The Ganjin.

Personality ' We're clear, H.A.W.X. Thanks for the rescue.

I won't forget this, I promise you.' — Mitchell to H.A.W.X.

Flight after escaping Ciudad JaurezWhile other Special Forces operators went hunting or fishing in their off time, Mitchell did a little of both that he bagged a few nice deer in his day and could tie on a Texas-rigged worm to bass-fish with the best of them. He seemed to have developed a liking to carpentry over the two hobbies that helps him the perfect release of stress and an incredible sense of accomplishment when finishing a piece. While he was hardly as accomplished as those woodworking hosts on TV, he sells some very intricate and ornate pieces such as: writing desks, curio cabinets, gun racks, and display cases to other soldiers back at base. In one instance, Mitchell had even sold a large entertainment center to the wife of the battalion commander after she had placed an order with him.He enjoys being a carpenter when he is not on duty, which he rents a storage garage that keeps his small workshop fifteen minutes off the base (Has a small apartment at the Ft.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Multi5 Meaning

He is also known to leave base and visit his family back home in Ohio in his spare time.He read the story by famous writer over a dozen times which made him knew he must be able to shoulder so much more than just his pack. As the load got heavier, he needed to become stronger. Being a living example of that commitment to overcome was rolling directly towards him with a hand extended, like Marc Entwhiler (former Black Hawk pilot) who got shot down then paralyzed on Basilan Island.